The Challenge
Hundreds of millions of people rely on coral reefs for their livelihoods and protection. But these valuable ecosystems are in trouble.
Coral reefs in numbers

Tropical coral reefs - some of the world's most valuable ecosystems - are in trouble. Climate change, destructive fishing practices, overexploitation and water pollution are devastating reefs worldwide. In the last 30 years alone, we have seen a 50% reduction in global coral cover. If reefs are to continue providing for people around the world, we need drastic new interventions.
At Mars, we understand that the success of our business depends on the health of our planet. Guided by science and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we are driving positive change for people and the planet in all areas of our business, through our Sustainable in a Generation Plan. As coral reefs are vital ecosystems in many countries where we make and sell our products, we are committed to innovating effective new techniques to rebuild reefs that can thrive today and into the future.

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Our Solution
For over a decade, we have been developing a simple solution to help restore damaged coral reefs.