Coral Triangle Centre
The Coral Triangle Centre is an independent non-profit foundation, promoting the conservation of marine biodiversity and the sustainable management of marine and coastal resources across the Coral Triangle.
The Coral Triangle Centre
Location: Bali, Indonesia
Partnership Status: Not-Active
Reef Stars Deployed: 274
The Coral Triangle Centre (CTC) is an independent non-profit foundation, promoting the conservation of marine biodiversity and the sustainable management of marine and coastal resources across the Coral Triangle. In early 2021, CTC joined forces with Mars, Incorporated to establish the Indonesian Coral Reef Restoration Task Force, supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies. Currently, including representatives from CTC, Mars Incorporated and Nusa Reef Foundation, the Task Force’s mission is to build capacity for reef restoration and resilience-based management in marine protected areas (MPAs) and several national parks across Indonesia. Through in-person and remote support, The Task Force aims to develop an Indonesia-wide network of competent reef restoration practitioners.
In the future, representation is intended to expand to include other restoration practitioners, as well as potential collaboration with governments, experts, and other key stakeholders. In addition, the Task Force will extend its focus to other restoration methods to assess the best practice in resilience-based management.
recent news
The Coral Reef Restoration Task Force (credit: Marthen Welly/CTC)
Over 2022, CTC has developed a general online course involving training modules on reef restoration in the context of reef resilience, protection, and best practices. This course will be open to anyone who is interested and can be found here.
CTC has also recently launched the first ever multimedia coral restoration exhibition in Indonesia. The coral restoration exhibition features a range of artwork, interactive games, and cutting-edge research, whilst showcasing the long-standing partnership between our team and CTC. This exhibition is part of a wider educational expo held at the Centre for Marine Conservation, raising awareness of the value & importance of the ocean, whilst addressing the dangers currently facing our precious ecosystem.